Meet us at 4pm at the Jessie Ace and Margaret Wright Blue Plaque at the end of Mumbles promenade, past the pier amusements and towards the lighthouse island.
From here we will cross the (rocky, uneven and sometimes slippery) low tide causeway to Mumbles Lighthouse Island – a sight that is familiar to many people, but perhaps less likely to be visited.
Archivists from the Story of Mumbles will talk about the incredible history of the island and the Grade 2 listed Lighthouse, built in 1774. Former Lighthouse attendant Terry Bravin will also be joining us to share fascinating anecdotes of his time working on the Island.
We will stop off at the ‘engine house,’ a listed building on the Island with an intriguing history, and the potential site of a current conservation project.
We will head back to the mainland before the tide comes in.